13 July 2008

Link Dump 2.0

Until my cache is emptied out, we will all be stuck with image-less posts. Enjoy.

There's a reason why we all wear clothes.
NSFW! But she would rather have clothes painted on. NSFW!

Ceiling cat is watching you being happy.
Was here for the lolcat but stayed for the happy art.

When staying alone can get you paid.
Solitary confinement is the best gameshow FOX could come up with.

Guns don't kill people.
People with cool transforming guns kill people.

He wrote this for you.
I might think it's for me, but really, he wrote this for you.

Game:Cannon Challenge
Cannon firing altitude adjusting game.

Japanese people confuse me. NSFW if you are at W.
It would be a great thing to know what this japanse bell ringing gameshow is about.

Being a guy hurts
If you're a guy, don't click this video full of hurt.

We need more free time to do these kinds of things.
Singing in reverse and an unrelated paper plane from 31st floor.

Some choices were filtered out IMO deserving a post of their own. Still, it'll be after clearing my links.

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