15 March 2006

Giving birth is tough.


Do not watch this if you faint at the sight of BLOOD!
Video showing the birthing process. Definitely NSFW.

End Warning.

Water Bear is as durable as it is ugly.

1. Tardigrades aka Water Bear can survive being heated for a few minutes to 151 °C or being chilled for days at -272.8 °C (almost absolute zero).
2. Radiation— Shown by Raul M. May from the University of Paris, Tardigrades can withstand 5700 grays of x-ray radiation. (Five grays would be fatal to a human).
3. Pressure—They can withstand the extremely low pressure of a vacuum and also very high pressures, many times greater than atmospheric pressure. In theory, they could even survive the vacuum of space, though the possibility of it is slim.

More about Water Bear here.

Is this Noah's Arc?

The Genesis blueprint of the Ark detailed the structure as 6:1 length to width ratio (300 cubits by 50 cubits). The anomaly, as viewed by satellite, is close to that 6:1 proportion.

The article describing this blibical find here.

Final Fantasy + Lego = FTW!!

Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth in all his Lego glory!!

More Lego Final Fantasies here.