08 September 2007

Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing

The following
is a catalog of naming questions and suggestions posted on several different baby naming bulletin boards going back as far as early 2001. All entries are left unedited except for length.

As you will see, some parents-to-be have gone so far into the realm of baby-obsession they have lost track of the real, adult world. Their view is so skewed their only concerns are a) making their child "unique" and b) trying to keep the kid from being teased, often with terrible results.

Steel yourself, take a few deep breaths, and read.
~end quote~

Read some and it will soon get funny.

Skytopia Fruit Emporium

This is an image of a Kumquat. Ever wondered what it would taste like? Wonder no more. Skytopia Fruit Emporium has a compilation of fruits and each is ranked with descriptions on it's taste, texture and smell.

And I've just found out that this fruit below is called a cherimoya.

Today in History

Here's a link to a page with Historical Events that happen according to date. Find out events that happen on your birthdate but on different years.