23 July 2007

Birds in a flock

cancer1's blog has amazing pictures taken of birds while in a flock. The amazing twists and turns that forms a single entity is beyond belief. Scroll down from this page to see a video.

Game: Phit

A puzzle game where you fit blocks in a limited area. Reminds me of an A&W puzzle I once had.

iPhone Killer maybe

When I end up posting to Maddox, it must be something good.

If you have an iPhone, you'll probably hate this. But I don't have an iPhone so I find it hilarious.

Godel's Incomplete Theorem

Hehehe.. I find this interesting, though be forewarned that it's a wall of text.

Everything about your Birthdate

Just enter your birthdate here and this site will tell you lots of things about your special date you never knew! O_O I was born when Madonna was still smexy.