31 August 2007

Game: Milpa (Crop Game)

This puzzle-action game requires you to match 3 or more crops to plant them. You will need to reach the target goal required to complete each year. Beware of the skull that will eat your crops and click on the water droplet when it appears to gain more crops.

Game: Crazy Ladybugs

In this game, click to move the ladybugs to make them touch each other until there's one left. It's a simple game you can finish in a few minutes.

Spider-Man 3 Subtitles

This link contains screen captures of the subtitles from the china version of Spider-Man 3. The translation is so horrid that it's actually funny.

29 August 2007

Video Day

With the powers bestowed upon me by The Great Cthulhu, I therefore officially declare today as Video Day. (with immediate effect) lol.

Is this how japanese learn the english language? O_O shocking

Best Passed Out Prank Ever. What would you do when you find your friend asleep on the couch?

Interview with Bobo the cat.

From the tv show Just For Laughs. A vanishing doorway. hahaha

This cat is overly protective of the lady's assets. *wink *wink

28 August 2007

J-Game Show

Human Bowling in a Japanese game show.

Man versus 100 pins, who will win? Watch and see the amazing result of the first round. O_O;

26 August 2007

Hamster Dance by Mini Moni

Apologies first for not embedding the video here. But it's just one click away.

Cuteness Overload Warning. And the song will probably get stuck in your head lol.

25 August 2007

Game: Disinfect the Core

This game has one simple rule. Eliminate the enemy.

The planning ahead that is required to win in this game reminds me of Weiqi. If you play Weiqi, let me know. :) I love the game too.

Discovering Porn (On Your Boyfriend’s Computer)

DivineCaroline finds porn on boyfriend's computer. She freaks out at first, then calms down and talks to her boyfriend about it. She realize it's OK, and they both feel like they're communicating better than they were before.

I bet not all women are as understanding as Caroline.

Manga Bible

Yes, you're heard me right the first time. The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book has been manganized a.k.a. Manga Bible.

I bet the end is near.

Music Video of It's all True

This music video is fantastic!

They must have practiced thousands of times.

24 August 2007

Game: Bloons Tower Defence

In this game, you pop balloons Tower Defence style. Popping balloons have never been this fun.

This is my record.

Chinese Knot art

Get some string and knot your own flower :) Click picture for instructions.

This is an ancient art (Jai Yie), which was almost destroyed by the Cultural Revolution, now revived by a few books and this web site. Maintained by Carol Leon-Yun Wang.

Thanks to Carol for the link.

Dr. Tran again

Hahaha.. it's funny for no apparent reason.
It's a follow up from this post.

aside: it's great to be blogging again. hiatus officially over

Hilbert's Problems

David Hilbert's math problems that was put forth in 1900 still affects the growth of today's mathematics.

Interesting if you like math.

Game: fly catching game

"Man who catch fly with chopstick can accomplish anything" -miyagi

20 August 2007


On hiatus for one week.

16 August 2007

Kitten Surprise!! (how to break up a cat fight)

Hahaha.. funny!
Click here for the video source if you want to know more about the kittens.

Mono Wheel Concept Bike

This concept mono wheel from Bombardier utilizes gyroscope to balance itself. The mini front wheel is retractable and is only used when starting and stopping. Want Nao.

Math is Awesome

This page shows the math that makes up the order of 5 and order of 6 Perfect Magic Cube. I've always loved maths :)

15 August 2007

Great Ways To Leave A Tip

Origami Spider made from five $1 US bills. It's a great way to leave a tip for your favorite waitress. ;P

More shapes and instructions on how to fold 'em here.

Any Malaysian Ringgit instructions?

Dancing Tanks.

Ok ok.. they are animated tanks but the camera angles and dance moves sure make up for it. :)

14 August 2007

Take a Bath in Soup

Japanese Cuisine has reached a new height! Now you can enjoy your hot relaxing bath in a tub of soup and you can even special order a portion of Ramen. News article with video here (wait for it to load).

:O Delicious.

13 August 2007

Work related post.

This is our newest product! Controls any 12 volt DC motors direction and speed.
Simple to use and the layout is designed by me. <-- shameless self promotion.

Here's the same product but now there's two of them. Sensing is done by PNP Opto Sensors and program is coded by me. <-- shameless self promotion again.

If you're interested in this product, please feel free to drop by our ebay store. Or you can send us/me an email:

Chat Bot Collection 2007

Need to chat with someone but your contacts and friends are all asleep? Here's a collection of chatbot's that you can chat with.

Thanks Alice for chatting to me about this.

Game: Bloxorz

Puzzle game where you try to fit the block into the hole. When you reach the stage as above, use the spacebar to change blocks.

Thanks Zacc for sending this game to me.

Voltron The Movie!!

Yay! Who will win? Transformers or Voltron? I grew up with both of these cartoons and it is nice to see them made to movies :)

Thanks Scott for notifying me about this.

09 August 2007

Game: Too Many Ninjas!

In this game, your only protection is your treasured sword. Only use direction keys to guide your defense. There really are too many ninjas.

Know of Tetris?

Tetris is a simple game with simple rules right? Complete a row to make it dissapear and game is over when you reach the top? Not so in this video.

08 August 2007

Insurance Commercial

What would you have done if this happened to you? O_O;
I can't imagine.

Camera Phone

Camera Phone = RM 1500
Plane Ticket = RM 300
Look on friends face when they see your pictures = priceless

07 August 2007

StarCraft Origami

StarCraft Origami is amazing! Need some help to find out hot to make these replicas of StarCraft units by origami. I can't read Korean, can you?

Paper Plate Origami

Whoa.. These origami sculptures are made from paper plates! There are basics on How To's and the more impressive sculptures are fantastic.

06 August 2007

Create your own Kaleidoscope

Here's a fun application that you can use to create your personal Kaleidoscope. Trippy.

05 August 2007

Wooden Mirror

This video shows the mirror that is made from little pieces of wood. This article has more details about its creator and how it is programmed to work.

Make Toys from Trash

Need something to distract your little one but don't have the cash to do it? Here's some cheap DIY toys you can make to entertain your child.

New-born Lamb has Seven Legs

This lamb was born with seven legs. Amazingly it can walk around using five of them!

03 August 2007

110 + Lego men fall down!

Hehehe.. Dominoes of Lego's. Wish it were longer though.

Auto MMO-Bot

A well thought out concept for an auto MMO-bot. I used to play a few MMO's so I understand the plight.

You might want to check out fly for fun. The last MMO i played. Have/Has a level 70+ knight there.

Monopoly has been Solved!

Probabilities on Monopoly Estates have been calculated! Although the land names are different, the calculations are all top notch. Math here.

And here's a video for fans who abhor reading.

Ordering of letters don't matter

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Agrh! Wlal of txet is hrer.

01 August 2007

Game: Crash

The aim of this game is to keep as many cars from crashing as possible to gain points. Destructible cars will be marked with a skull. Click on cars to speed them up!

A-Safe-Way Asian Women's Driving School

This movie didn't help my side parking at all. Most probably because I'm not a woman. Warning expletive language.

Cat o' Death

Cat in picture is able to predict your death! It's actual news!